We create exceptional
purpose-driven strategic
workforce solutions

It has never been so difficult to build a sustainable and highly productive workforce. 43% of small businesses currently have open positions they are struggling to fill.  Successful recruiting no longer comes by simply posting an ad on a job board and employees are no longer inspired by a few motivational posters hanging up around the office.  The game has changed, and the new economy is bringing dramatic changes to the workforce and the workplace ecosystem.

In this time of unprecedented change, small businesses are now forced to compete for a lower number of available workers who have very different needs and expectations then in the past.  Workers are leaving jobs that do not align with their professional goals, personal values or lack meaningful work.  This new competitive environment requires a strategic approach to succeed without breaking the budget.

After many years in human resources, I am tuned-in to the difficult people management challenges small businesses face, (especially those who seek to expand.)  Due to the organic nature of how small businesses grow it can be difficult for them to initiate and implement proactive people strategies that are often essential for “next level” success. 

The truth is labor is the biggest expense for businesses across the board, averaging 30%-60% of the budget for most.  Small businesses can no longer afford to operate without a human resource strategy, a plan for future workforce needs or without an effective onboarding and development plan in place.

I have bundled 20+ years of experience, a SHRM-SCP, expertise, research, successes and struggles into Estuary Human Resources advisory firm.  We are well suited to take small businesses to the next level of human capital management and give them the tools they need to expand, reduce labor cost and create a superior workplace ecosystem now and in the future.

Jennifer Fullman, SHRM-SCP
Principal, Estuary Human Resources

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